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  >  Technology   >  Reviving a Hackintosh: Part 1
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I admit my love of retro technology isn’t as bad as it could be, but when the opportunity presented itself, I had to jump at the chance to breathe new life into this Macintosh Apple 1MB.

After my eBay purchase landed on the workshop bench I was surprised to learn that the machine I bought for parts turned on, the CRT received a signal and there was that lovely start up beep.

I’d never been more excited to see that dead little Macintosh icon before. When I purchased the Macintosh, I bought it cheap for parts. I never thought it was going to be functional out of the open box.

I’ll admit it took me a hot minute to get the back off of the machine because I had to purchase the right length bit. Outside of some older capacitors this Mac was in fine working condition in my opinion.

I was pleasantly surprised to see all of the signatures embossed into the back of the shell.

The end game for this project is to store the internals and multi-boot different MacOS from a microSD using a raspberry pi. I enjoy the aesthetic of having modern functionality in older products. Much like my TV/VCR combo in the garage that uses a firestick.

Stay tuned as I work my way through the software, hardware, and restoration of this project.

Josh has worked for small to enterprise organizations across various industries for close to 20 years in one design / artistic / content / media related capacity or another. He is also a collector of physical media and is always up to chatting about anything for hours on end.

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